Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm not a groupie.

i just like to take pictures with funny people. my sister got us tickets to see some comedians, and continually joke about how dat phan is our cousin all night.


you know how comics shout out things like where you're from- and you shout back? well, chazz asked where are the pretty ladies out there? and i ended up being the only one that screamed. talk about embarrassingggg. we sat in front too. thanks a lot. hahah.


this guy had me dying. super casual when he's talking but just as hilarious. he's from san francisco and everything. find him in the streets.


he calls himself a sushi chef, a pokemon, a dragonball character, and somebody that doesn't shower because of all that hair. what a funny guy.


Anonymous said...

Hehe how embarassing!

Anonymous said...

hahah i feel you about being the only one to scream. the last yellowcard show iw ent to, sean (the violinist) came up onstage to play with one of the opening bands and i was the only one who screamed. :(
